body works

  • 网络车身工程;宝迪沃
body worksbody works
  1. Let me explain to you how the human body works .


  2. Your body works best when you have regular hours for sleep .


  3. One of my favorite manufacturers is Bath and Body Works .


  4. If you want to understand how your body works you need to understand cells .


  5. That is my hope that the roller body works .


  6. Construction of Concrete Engineering A summary of construction development for main body works of Three Gorges Project


  7. Your body works best when its temperature is about 37 ? Celsius .


  8. Everyone 's body works differently , and everyone will have a different metabolic rate .


  9. Our body works according to our duties and responsibilities , but our mind must see thought .


  10. Meditation starts by changing how the body works : The heart slows , pumping less blood ;


  11. And we do teach our kids how the human body works , we teach them how the combustion engine functions


  12. Before games , he applies Bath and Body Works Stress Relief eucalyptus-and-spearmint-scented body lotion .


  13. They should acquire specific knowledge : the history of the planet , how the body works , how cultures differ , etc.


  14. Meditation starts by changing how the body works : The heart slows , pumping less blood ; the muscles relax .


  15. She spent decades in retail management positions for companies like Williams-Sonoma and Bath & Body Works , but eventually grew disenchanted with corporate America .


  16. The challenge of burning these fat cells and keeping them away will always be a tedious affair and to do that , we need to understand how our body works .


  17. As he experimented he got to know more about how the human body works , and he found ways of operating on people so as to save their limbs and even their lives .


  18. The whole-closed scheme is adopted for seepage curtain in initial period with the investment of 476 million RMB ( nearly equal to the investment in dam body works ) .


  19. The body works away , it does it stuff the mind floats above it as if we were feel these things , we think these things but actually everything is determined by the body .


  20. He said he could envision such a course being required for students as they begin studies and must immerse themselves in the details of how the body works , and , at times , stops working .


  21. The so-called user-friendly product is included in the human body works products , as long as it is " person " used in products should be considered in the human body works , casual shoes and the human body works is combined .


  22. Simulated calculation and test prove that the electromagnetic body works steadily when braking , and its wear is even , all which meet the requirements of braking force and braking safety of specific brake laid a foundation for developing new type electromagnetic brakes .


  23. From robotic cars to wheels on Mars , exhibitors showed everything from human revolution to a different kind of spin that shows how the body works . There were robots controlled by sensors on cloth and one controlled by an IPAD .


  24. In Navratilova 's case , she will receive radiation therapy four to five times a week for six weeks . One side effect of radiation therapy is exhaustion caused as the body works to repair damage to healthy cells . Typically fatigue occurs in the later weeks of treatment .


  25. Works of art and design involved many fields and the body painting works have been showed in Europe , South Korea .


  26. William Shakespeare was an English poet and playwright whose body of works is considered the greatest in English literature .


  27. The main body part works out and appraises aspect from the plate content , to have discussed the design characteristic of " Carding and exploration " plate .


  28. Mentality is the role of objective reality reflected in the human body , Works of art to artists are a expression to it about his own attitude .


  29. He was a prolific writer and left behind him an amazing body of works : novels , stories , letters , essays , criticism , poems , plays , travel books , translations , and even paintings .


  30. House features body painting works for the Royal Court , so when the Academy of body painting can not be divorced from its function , it should be restored to the court to analyze the environmental art body painting style house he is .
